Office: (504) 592-4005 • Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 866-9554 • 701 Loyola Ave, New Orleans 70113 • Email: • • Comprehensive free services for survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking, including: case management, legal referrals, assistance with making police reports, housing and educational services, and trauma recovery counseling for adult survivors and their children; See other NOFJC programs: Hope Community Health Center and Mary Claire’s Place and refer to our Support Groups page for current groups
Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 837-5400 • Toll Free: (888) 411-1333 • Via Link: 211 • • Email: • Refer to for parishes in which services are offered; Free counseling, legal aid, and emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; Locations in St. Tammany, Jefferson E & W Bank, St. Charles
New Orleans Family Justice Center: (504) 592-4005 • Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 866-9554 • • Immediate housing & legal aid for those fleeing domestic abuse; Free; Confidential location; See the main NOFJC listing and other programs like the Hope Community Health Center
(504) 324-8859 • 2915 Perdido St, New Orleans 70119 • Email: • • Provides programming, support, and re-entry resources for those who have been recently released from custody (formerly incarcerated); Pre-release support; Immediate support after release; Transitional housing; Case management and other resources
(225) 925-4792 • Toll Free: 1 (800) 825-3805 • P.O. Box 91301, Baton Rouge 70821 • Visit Click on “Address Confidentiality Program” in left menu • Visit our guide: • Free program to provide survivors of abuse, sexual assault or stalking with a substitute address to use in place of their actual address when they apply for or receive state or local government services (e.g., driver’s license, voter registration, public school records, etc.); the goal is to prevent an assailant or potential assailant from finding the location of a victim through the state’s public records
Email: • • Nonprofit collective creating housing solutions for transgender and gender nonconforming people in Louisiana; Not an emergency shelter; Fill out online form
(504) 949-4469 • • Provides housing, food, clothing, counseling, tutoring, transportation for youth ages 11-17, transitional living for homeless youth 17-21, housing assistance for 18-24; Intermediate/Transitional Housing
24/7 Crisis Line: (504) 584-1111 Main Line: (504) 584-1102 • 611 N Rampart St, New Orleans 70112 • • Email: • Provides crisis care and stable housing to youth through 24/7 Crisis Center, transitional housing program, off-site apartments; Education, employment and life skills; health and wellness; outreach
Emergencies: (504) 387-8321 Main Line: (504) 407- 0943 • • Emergency Email: • Email: • Services for trafficking victims; long term housing, short term emergency housing, facilitate medical and psychological care, job training, and comprehensive recovery services; Emergency, Intermediate, and Longterm Housing
(504) 822-8519 • 817 N Claiborne Ave, New Orleans 70116 • • Provides resources promoting affordable housing, with the goal of helping low-wealth families build wealth through homeownership, employment and self-employment; Programs for debt, rental, and credit counseling as well as foreclosure prevention and homebuyer education
(504) 210-5064 • • Email: • For women, children, trans and gender-nonconforming folks that provides an open and empowering residential community, resource coordination, and a safe space to transition into sustainable housing; Emergency Housing
(504) 670-3300 • TTY (for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing): (504) 670-3377 • 4100 Touro St, New Orleans 70122 • • Operates 10 large-scale housing communities and scattered site properties across the city; Housing Choice Voucher Program HCVP provides Section 8 vouchers
Website: • Guide to the eviction process: • A community land trust (CLT) and housing rights organization; Hosts monthly renters rights assembly meetings where pro-bono legal support is available for tenants; Contact using website form
Help from an attorney or housing counselor: (504) 596-2100 • Toll free: 1 (877) 445-2100 • • Free legal help for those facing eviction in Orleans Parish; Housing counseling for those facing foreclosure or behind on mortgage and other issues; You can also contact them to file a discrimination complaint
(504) 523-2116 • 1130 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd, New Orleans 70113 • Email: • • Provides emergency shelter, food, clothing, GED classes, resume building, medical, addiction, and mental health counseling for men and women
(504) 658-2400 • • City of New Orleans website includes a list of area shelters, emergency rental and utility assistance, and affordable housing programs
(504) 522- 9340 • 2020 S. Liberty St, New Orleans 70113 • • For women 18+, pregnant women, single father-led families; Intermediate Housing
(504) 523-1184 • 2239 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA 70119 • • For men & women, NO children; Intermediate and Long Term Housing
1 (844) 698-9075 • 1450 Poydras St, Ste 1133, New Orleans 70112 • • Louisiana Dept. of Health program that links affordable rental housing to people with long-term disabilities; Must meet low income requirements; Office hours M-F 8am-4:30pm; Walk-ins welcome T, W 10am-12pm, Th 2pm-4pm
(504) 899-4569 • 4526 S Claiborne Ave, New Orleans 70125 • • For single adults, families, senior citizens, and others who are disabled; Emergency Housing (hot meal and overnight lodging); Must pre-register, registration M-Th from 4:00 pm