1/1/25 Bourbon St. Attack: Resources for Victim-Survivors

The Crime Survivors Guide was written by New Orleans survivors of violence. We want you to know that we are thinking of you, and we hope that these resources help.

*web version Updated 1/9/25 at 8:30 pm, check back regularly - information may change AND PLEASE CONFIRM ALL INFORMATION WITH OFFICIAL SOURCES

The NOLA Hub: Help for Victims, Survivors, and Loved Ones

visit the hub located at new orleans family justice center

You can also visit the FBI website for updates and to FILL OUT A FORM if you were impacted by the attack:


Additional Contact Options:

United Way Funds are Now Available!

Who qualifies for assistance from the United for New Orleans Relief Fund? 

Those physically injured, family members of the deceased, and others directly impacted by the tragedy. 

How do I get connected?

Visit or contact the Family Assistance Center (FAC). This contact information is listed directly above, at the top of this page.


Trauma Recovery Support at Seeds of NOLA Trauma Recovery Center - UMC

Individuals and families impacted by the 1/1 attack can get wrap around trauma recovery services through the Seeds of NOLA Trauma Recovery Center at University Medical Center (UMC), Ages 13+:


University Medical Center: 2000 Canal St, New Orleans, enter at 2101 Tulane Avenue for parking and bring your ticket inside to get it validated

Call for an Intake/Appointment (and choose the “Appointment” option when you call) (504) 702-4335


Trauma Recovery Support for Children

For mental health and trauma recovery assistance - specific to Children

Other local groups who can help

For immediate connection to resources visit the FBI FAMILY ASSISTANCE CENTER - FAC (information first on this page)

For support after the loss of a loved one:

Helpful guides & information

Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Resources for 1/1 Bourbon Attack: https://ovc.ojp.gov/resources-and-support-victims-new-orleans-louisiana

  • Includes information for directly impacted victims and families as well as planning tools for Victim Service Providers and governmental agencies

Our website www.crimesurvivorsnola.org includes the following resources that may be helpful to you:

  • Homicide - This section outlines issues facing those who have lost a family member to homicide

  • Nonfatal Assault - This section outlines issues facing individuals who have survived an assault and may have physical injuries

  • Financial Assistance CVR - This section explains how the state of Louisiana’s Crime Victim Reparations Program works and how to apply

  • Helping Children Cope - This section discusses how to help children cope after they are impacted by violence and/or loss

  • Issues and Needs of Survivors - General overview of issues facing victims and survivors of all types of violence

  • Mental Health Resources - This is a list of mental health resources in New Orleans

  • Grief & Support Groups - This is a list of local grief and support groups in New Orleans

  • Federal Crimes - Overview of how the criminal legal process works for federal crimes

United Way United for NOLA Resource Page: https://www.unitedwaysela.org/UnitedForNOLAResources

Health Department Resource Page: https://nola.gov/health-department/

Office of Violence Prevention Crime Survivors Flyer: HERE

Local places you can donate

To help victim-survivors directly: