Office: (504) 592-4005 • Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 866-9554 • 701 Loyola Ave, New Orleans 70113 • Email: • • Comprehensive free services for survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking, including: case management, legal referrals, assistance with making police reports, housing and educational services, and trauma recovery counseling for adult survivors and their children; See other NOFJC programs: Hope Community Health Center and Mary Claire’s Place and refer to our Support Groups page for current groups
Call first to schedule an intake with the grief counselor: (504) 282-0607 • 2000 Lakeshore Dr, UNO Trac Bldg Rm 228, New Orleans 70148 • • Facebook: • Email: • Provides direct victim services (mainly homicide, but also domestic violence and sexual assault), some court assistance, mental health resources, youth engagement, some financial assistance; Victim Allies Project Support Groups are every other Monday at 6:30 pm and one Saturday per month, call for dates/times; Free
(504) 339-9330 • Email: • Instagram: @arinsnestingplace_nola • Provides resources and services to support domestic violence survivors, works with NOVAS to provide periodic financial assistance for victims of crime (when funds are available)
(504) 324-8859 • 2915 Perdido St, New Orleans 70119 • Email: • • Provides programming, support, and re-entry resources for those who have been recently released from custody (formerly incarcerated); Pre-release support; Immediate support after release; Transitional housing; Case management and other resources
Call for information (24/7): (855) 435-STAR [7827] • 123 N Genois St, New Orleans 70119 • Email: • • Provides hospital and legal accompaniment, safety planning, counseling, support groups, legal assistance for survivors of sexual violence; Refer to website for parishes in which assistance is offered; Offers counseling for children, ages 5+ and Counseling and Support Groups (Zoom) for adult survivors of sexual violence, ages 18+; Call first for intake; Free; Visit for Support Group schedule
COURT CONNECT FOR KIDS STAR created this booklet which explains (with child-friendly language and pictures) why children may have to go to court, who works inside a courthouse, and rules and tips for witnesses.
SAFETY PLAN FOR SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that is meant to address your unique physical, emotional, and basic needs after a sexual assault.
(504) 372-4316 • 1313 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans 70116 • • • Provides arts-based youth programs to disrupt cycles of poverty and violence; Office hours M-F, 11am-4:30pm
(504) 249-5274 • 134 N. Broad St, 2nd Floor, New Orleans 70119 • Email: • Website: • Provides conflict resolution services, from prevention to intervention, in community and schools; Creates Restorative Circles to collectively decide on how to repair harm done; Schools can refer escalating conflicts to the Center whose trained staff acts as violence interrupters; Hosts various community groups and events, and training in restorative skills
(225) 267-7252 • Email: • • Provide support to mothers who have lost their child to gun violence; not exclusive to survivors of violence in Baton Rouge; Monthly support group, third Thursday 6:30-7:30pm
(504) 523-6221 • Main campus: 1600 Constance St, New Orleans 70130 • Columbia Parc Office: 1401 Saint Denis St, New Orleans 70122 • • Infant and early toddler education; Adult day care; Career Connections (career development); Community and supportive services; Youth services: VITA free tax preparation
For general information or to volunteer: (504) 837-8477 • To leave a tip: (504) 822-1111 or Toll Free: 1 (877) 903-STOP [7867] • PO Box 55249, Metairie 70055 • Email: • • Anonymous hotline to report crimes
1 (800) 960-7705 • 8325 Oak St, New Orleans 70118 • Email: • • Nonprofit statewide Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency for LA; Provides free legal services, system & legislative advocacy, outreach, training, and information/referrals to protect and advocate for the human and legal rights of those with disabilities; In person by appointment only
(504) 888-9111 or 1 (800) 766-7736 • 700 Hickory Ave, Harahan 70123 • • Provides services, programs, and resources for people with disabilities and their families
Email: • • Nonprofit collective creating housing solutions for transgender and gender nonconforming people in Louisiana; Not an emergency shelter; Fill out online form
(504) 899-4501 • Toll Free: 1 (888) 792-0163 • 123 State St, New Orleans 70118 • • Services, jobs, and advocacy for people who are Blind, Deaf, and who have disabilities. American Sign Language Interpreter Services
Call Jolie Duarte (225) 219-3246 or (225) 342-1570 • Email: • • Victim-Survivor Guidebook: • Assistance with pardons and parole process; Accountability Letter Program; Victim-offender Dialogue; Counseling (virtual); Expressive arts; Group work; Services available pre- and post-conviction; Free
7240 Crowder Blvd, Ste 300J, New Orleans 70127 • • Provides essentials for babies, gently used clothes for children/adolescents, other support and connections for caregivers of children, founded by crime survivors; Office open Mon-Fri by appointment only and Sat 11am-1pm; Contact via website
Email: • • Works to bring community voices into the local criminal legal system decision making process; works with Arin’s Nesting Place to provide periodic financial assistance for victims of crime (when funds are available)
(504) 684-9222 • Main Office: 1450 Poydras St, Ste 2260, New Orleans 70112 • Social Services: 2321 Thalia St, New Orleans 70113 • Email: • • Supporting women and girls impacted by incarceration; Provides help with rent, court costs, transportation, employment, training, and clothing
(504) 252-1401 • 2021 S Dupre St, New Orleans 70125 • Email: • • Provides counsel, information, advocacy, assistance and mentorship, to help youth and families involved with the juvenile system; Services are confidential and independent of law enforcement; Free; Peace Ambassadors engage in neighborhood mediation and violence interruption (and collaborate with the Trauma Recovery Center at UMC)
(504) 264-2177 • 13235 Chef Menteur Hwy Ste A New Orleans, LA 70129 • Email: • • Organization incubating Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) leaders with a focus on environmental justice, reproductive justice and civic engagement; Website includes a confidential report form for anti-Asian hate crimes or incidents as well as educational resources